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The Ethiopian Satellite Pre-schools at Hiddi and Dillu, Ethiopia,

blossom with an environment for young minds

The Satellite Pre-Schools is to be a school that has the most subtle yet probably the strongest psychological effect on a child. Every child is like a flower, special and unique; a school is a garden where we expect a healthy growth environment. Based on this pedagogical understanding the proposed designs, are an attempt to create a garden-like open environment to bring a multidisciplinary, open and flexible space where the child can develop skills and strengths. The simplicity of form and interaction between closed classrooms and open outdoor spaces makes this school a safe environment for children.

Flexibility in Architecture

The schools take shape from a simple independent rectangular module interlaced with active walkways. By keeping the basic idea of interaction between open and closed space, the module can be combined with endless possibilities resulting in different compositions of a building that can be expandable according to different sites and situations with minimum alteration. The design brings the essence of vernacular architecture pattern with a central space open for community connect. The side walkways around the open courts connect all the spaces to share, open and learn through games, play and encounters. These compositions create a visual and physical relationship between indoor and outdoor spaces of learning.












Sustainability in Material and Technology

The materials and technology has been selected according to two main criteria: proximity and simplicity. CSEB blocks for loadbearing walls on stone foundation in mud mortar and mudcrete, where soil can be procured from the site itself. Local wood/bamboo for the roof structure covered with metal sheets, having an under structure of mud rolls for insulation from heat. IPS flooring for easy maintenance .Making of and construction in CSEB blocks, mud roles and roof structure is simple, does not require skilled labour and can be done by community participation.

Efficiency in Light, Water and Air for quality spaces


A clerestory sloping roof is proposed to enhance internal illumination, mitigate indoor temperature through natural ventilation, protect from humidity stagnation and for the better run-off of the water. Cross ventilation happens through perforated walls and louvered doors and windows. Thermal mass of the earth blocks maintains cooler internal temperatures. An underground water tank is proposed to harvest rain water from the gutters and excess water is directed to the well.


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