Summer Bamboo Workshop
Design & Build a Bamboo Gridshell + Clothcrete
The Itinerary:
Day 1
Knowing Bamboo, its tools and making joineries.
Day 2
Design principles of Shell structure, followed by model - making.
Day 3
Starting building on site.
Day 4
Continuing building on site.
Day 5
Creating Clothcrete skin on site.

What is Clothcrete?
' Cloth + crete ' basically a mixture of Fabric, Cement and additives, to provide as an alternative to the 'skin' for gridshell structures.
It is a new material, only recently gaining recognition as structural. In this workshop, Clothcrete will be a major part of the topics learnt.
Baburdi, near Shrigonda,
at a 3 hour drive from Pune
25th to 29th May 2024
9am - 4pm everyday.
( inclusive of accomodation, food and daily travel to site )

Interact with Artisans,
Learn to work Hands-on,
Achieve skills for your future endeavours,
Come one step closer to being a ' Bamboo Master ' !